The Prophetic Anointing – Part 2

The Prophetic Anointing – Part 1

Teshuvah – Repentance
God is looking for men and women who will live a life of Repentance, These are those who truly walk with Him, The Hebrew word for Repentance is TESHUVAH. this a classic Sermon By.Pastor.John...

Cleft of The Rock
When the people of Israel broke the covenant with God also when god decided to leave his people Moses took the initiative to join God and Israel, Exodus 32,33,34 is all about the plan...

Understanding Grace – Part 2
Gods Purposes in giving gifts to men is for His grace to flow through them to others. In fact if you do not pass a Gift on to others as God graces you, there...

Understanding Grace – Part 1
Gods Purposes in giving gifts to men is for His grace to flow through them to others. In fact if you do not pass a Gift on to others as God graces you, there...

Seal of God or Mark of the Beast
As we are nearing the end times knowing about the mark of the beast has become more interesting within the church, but satan is a lair and he counterfeits God, In fact it is...

Walking With God – Ezra
Walking with God has been Gods pupose for His people from creation. Walking with God is not an addendum to Christianity or Judasism, but is Superior to both. It is the Lord Himself who...